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EpochField 5.0.3 Release for Mobile, Work Scheduler, and Web API

The products team at Epoch Solutions Group has been busy working on a few new enhancements and updates to EpochField for iOS, Android, and Windows. EpochField 5.0.3 can be found in the Apple App Store, Google Play, and Microsoft app store today.

We are introducing a number of new features and enhancements in the EpochField Mobile 5.0.3, EpochField Work Scheduler 5.0.3 and Web API Release. Read on for the summary release notes below.

EpochField Mobile

  • Lassoing multiple assets for a bulk update fixes
  • Fix for multiple ad hoc task types with the same geometry
  • Click Integration Tool enhancements and fixes
  • Backwards compatibility fix for a vital Click Adapter
  • Fix fo group layer visibility does not honor the individual layer configurations in the APRX

Known Issues:

Android – Due to a Xamarin Essentials bug reported with Android 11, users will need to set their Android device location permissions manually. To do so, go to the “App Location Permissions” section of your device’s “Settings” app and choose “Allow Always” or “Allow Only While Using App” for the EpochField app.

Copying Text does not work with APRX documents published to ArcGIS Server 10.7.1

EpochField Work Scheduler

  • Groups should be able to be configured so that they can see all groups/content or only their group/content.
  • Groups should only be able to Delete or Disable workers, crews, and equipment which they have created in Resource Management.
  • “Managed By” drop down list should only include Groups that have the setting “Only Show Managed Work in Gantt”.
  • Expected user visibility for the work order scheduling resource dropdown list is not honored.
  • When utilizing the EF Mobile calendar view, users shouldn’t be able to edit/delete work orders – only view them
  • Actual Start and Actual Finish Dates for completed WOs are not editable
  • Service Point not showing for the Stand by Calendar fix
  • Planned work orders not showing up in Gantt Chart if no work has yet been assigned to workers.
  • Initial Dates in Work Scheduler are not being populated or displayed fix

Known Issues:


EpochField Web API

  • Cannot find stored procedure error when using SQLServer fix

Known Issues:


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